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How To Build Your Own Workout Routine

I get this email at least once a day that says the following:
“What should I do for a workout?”
After all, many people are interested in getting started with strength training and want to know what workout routine to follow.
Considering that a program should be developed around a person’s biology, age, goals, diet, free time, etc, there’s a lot of factors I can’t get in through email that would allow me to tailor a program specific to that person.

First of all, let’s start with this question: what are you doing NOW for a workout?
Is it working?
Are you safe and is it making you healthier?
If so, keep doing it!
However, if you’re JUST getting started, you want to mix things up, or you’re ready to start lifting weights, it’s good to understand what goes into a program so you can build one for yourself.
If you ARE ready to start building your own routine and want to know how its done, great, let’s do this!

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